Deployment Kits
UTS Air Rapid Response Kits
Air Rapid Response Kits (ARRK): The ARRK packages are turnkey, self-supporting deployable force support packages that can be quickly deployed or pre-positioned in remote, austere locations for use as Expeditionary Forward Operating Bases. Each ARRK kit is capable of being deployed to Full Operational Capability by as few as 8 personnel, in under 8 hours each. In turn, the ARRK kits can also be recovered and returned to their original packaged configuration for storage or relocation in under 8 hours. The contents of the ARRK kits are all hand-transportable and can be removed (from package container), positioned, erected, recovered, and stored without the use of any Material Handling Equipment or specialty tools. The shelf life of the ARRK kits in their stored configuration is upward of 20 years, continual use service life is up to 7 years.
J1 - self-supporting Turnkey 100 person Bed-down
The entire J1 is a self-supporting, turnkey 100-person bed-down UTC
(5) TM60 (650 sq’) billeting shelters
(2)TM54 (530 sq’)Shower/Operations shelters
60kW AMMPS generators/power distribution
Expeditionary latrines
Showers w/ hand washing stations
Area lighting, smoke detectors
Fire extinguishers
Assortment of site prep equipment, power/hand maintenance tools and housekeeping items
4F9J1 100-person bed-down package comes packaged into (2) EAC90 (88”x108”x96”) shipping containers for all shelters/equipment and(1) 463L aircraft pallet for the generators - (3) aircraft pallet positions total
J2 – Self-supporting Command and Control (C2)
J2 – Self-supporting Command and Control (C2)
(1) TXL80 (950 sq’) main C2 hub shelter
(3) TM54 (530 sq’) connected office/workstation shelters
Entry Control Point vestibule
(2) 60kW AMMPS generators/power distribution
(6) Mil-Spec ECU’s
(3) AV display (projector) systems, prewired power/switches tactical tables (NIPR/SIPR/JWICS compatible) w/ appropriate CAT6 cabling
Hard flooring w/ cable mgmt tracks, coffee pot, mini fridge, microwave, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and an assortment of power/hand maintenance tools and housekeeping items.
The entire 4F9J2 C2 package comes packaged into (2) EAC90 (88”x108”x96”) shipping containers for all shelters/equipment, (1) 463L aircraft pallet for the generators and (1) 463L aircraft pallet for hard flooring - (4) aircraft pallet positions total
J3 – HVAC Support
The main objective of the J3 HVAC Support kit is to provide the J1 100-Person Beddown kit with HVAC assets while simultaneously providing power redundancy in the event of enemy attack, natural disaster and/or unforeseen asset inoperability.
J4 – Fuel storage
The function of the J4 Fuel Support Kit is to provide extended operability of ARRK kit fuel consuming equipment, such as:
Shower/Shave Water Heaters
175K BTU Cold Weather Heaters, and/or ARRK support equipment operations.
The J4 Fuel Support kit works in tandem with all ARRK (Air Rapid Response Kits) fuel consuming assets to include:
J1 - 100-Person Beddown kit
J2 - Command and Control suite
J3 - HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) Support kit
J5 - Water Purification Package
J7 - Cold Weather Package.
J5 – Water Purification Kit
Aspen 2000 DM Desalinization reverse osmosis water purification unit
The 2000 DM is a self-contained, Desalination Water purification unit which may be powered by either 100-260 vac or 24-28 vdc and can produce up to 1500 gallons (about 5678.12 L) per day potable water from salt-water source or 2000 gallons (about 7570.82 L) per day of potable water from a fresh water source
The 2000 DM internal flush tank holds 15 gallons of water, self-priming supply pump, water testing equipment, replacement water filters/consumables
(1) TM36 (400sq’) shelter for a work cente
The 2000 DM Water Purification on package comes complete in (1) EAC90 (88”x108”x96”) shipping container